Friday, May 13, 2011

thought for the day/the Minoan culture on the Island Crete

I had a whole bunch of stuff I wanted to point out about Minoan crete and the significance for the flow of Humanity's mathematical development; and then, the blogger was shut down; i could have sworn I saved at every paragraph I could; but, the shutdown deleted my writeup and I've had to write this up all over again! I know this doesn't mean much except I worry that maybe I've forgotten something I'm about to point out since then.  Getting to things I want to say about Minan culture and its significance for the flow of 'Western' culture.
I'll start by pointing out why I've included the pictures I've included.  I was hoping for some aerials on the city; but, it has been shown that the cities of the Minoans are mazes.  I've seen accounts of Babylonian mathematics that they did mazes as mathematical problems.  What I find interesting is that they and the Babylonians spent so much time(they constructed their cities as exercises in solving mazes) on mazes.  I've pointed out a possible reason why the Babylonians and even the Egyptians started doing so much more mathematics than people for tens of thousands of years before them; those people hadn't dammed up nature enough. After this initial wave of problems due to the damming up of nature, well, they couldn't find much other mathematics to work on; so, they worked on mazes!  They even had mazes on their coins!
I put their snake goddesses on here to point out that in mythology, they like to conquer fear.  They like to embody fear. Scarecrows are another instance of this.  People didn't understand the universe or themselves rationaly(mathematically); so, they came up with mythology(poetry) which explained away the universe in vague poetry(as they say, the power of poetry is it's manipulation of vagueness).  There's lots of these snake goddesses.  Clearly, they wanted to conquere and use fear.
The Minoans apparently loved bulls, and with bulls we see a mixing of fear mongering supernatural religion with mathematics; here, the Minoans made the legend of the Minotaur in the maze where people got lost in the maze and eventually, those who tried to kill the Minotaur generally got killed.  Now, on the other hand, the mythology has it that some hero got out of the maze by a clue(a string that the hero ties to the outside of the maze and so as he goes through the maze, he kills the Minotaur and is able to get out of the dark maze anyways because all he has to do is follow the string back out; sorry for the long sentence; i want to finish this blog entry as quickly as possible!
Could there be more significance of these bulls though?  Moses in the bible is made to destroy canaanite golden bulls.  Moses also blow rams horns.  Further, Jesus is suppose to be the passover from the age of aries to pisces; his symbol is that of the fish. Something I didn't explain in my "Gospel of Truth" is that Jesus Christ has much analogy with the sungods before him of the Egyptian Horus, Greek Dionysius and even Hercules(who does twelve labors; the twelve labors of hercules were found behind the alter of I do believe the Saint Peter Cathedral), Mithra who predates the Christian religion and clearly slayed the bull to enter the age of Aries.  I pointed out that the twelve tribes of Israel are the twelve constellations; there's a josephus reference to that by the way.  Christianity is just a midrash(really rehash) of the old testament with Plato's sungod philosophy(jesus christ is the word of god and the alpha and the omega). With the Mithra mythology, I can definitelly claim that pre-Christian mythology, the mythology was that of this passover from one age to the next.  Basically, the zodiacal constellations are personified(I gave a Herodotus quote where he says the Egyptians personified the zodiacal constellations);  now, people will say that Hipparchus and 'maybe' some five hundred B.C. babylonians noticed the precession of the equinoxes.  The precession of the equinoxes is where the pole star drifts from one zodiacal constellation to the next; the order of the zodiacal constellations of concern here is that of Taurus, Aries, Pisces, and Aquarius(in Egypt, there the mythology of Anup the Baptiser; around 30 B.C.; there was this John the Baptiser running around; i dont' want to get further on the whole christianity thing that this leads to; but, I have an arguement that the Essenes were astrologers . . . another name for the essenes were therapuets; they'd do therapy back then by astrology . . . and it seems to me that the essenes were out in the dead sea enacting this whole sungod mythology; the essenes were a sungod breakaway group from the lunar cult Jews in the Temple mount).  So, we possibly have(see Murdock's Christ in Egypt for extensive proof of the whole Jesus Christ mythology is just sungod mythology and predated the christian mythology by thousands of years) the Minans worshipping the bull because that was the age.  And then, the Hebrews were trying to be the heirs to the age of Aries in the Old testament; and, then, because the whole mediterreaenean(see my gospel of truth) knew that a new age is suppose to come apon us, they were going to make up a whole new mythology(christianity); and since the Romans were in charge at the time, Christianity was a roman construct(one ring to rule them all; pay unto caesar what is his as stated in the Gospels and even Pauline epistles).
Of further note about the possible significance of the Minoan bulls and Christian mythology is those Minoan coins of mazes!  People back then seemed to really like to put what's significant to them on coins.  For the Minoans, it appears to be those mazes!  For Alexander the Great and the Roman republic, it was well putting every emperor from Alexander the Great to like the end of the empire around 400 A.D  And what do we have with pictures of Alexander the Great drawn on coins back then!  Rams horns.
Further about these coins, I've seen lots of coins of Roman emperors . . . pictures of roman emperors on one side and various roman gods on the other side; never do we see pictures of roman emperors on one side and Jesus Christ on the other side!  In fact, there  are no coins of Jesus Christ on coins till 1000 A.D. in the Byzantine empire.  I've seen coins of Paul and Peter!

There's more of signicance to be said of the Minoans.  The Minoans appear to have left their Island around 1200 B.C.  Archaeologists have shown connections(sculpture artifacts) between Minoans and Philistines and Phonecians.

One of the biggest archaeological mysteries is that of the sea peoples.  Around 1200, there were these sea peoples who went around and brought the whole lets say pre-Greaco/Roman era of 600 B.C. down to its knees. I'm talking about the city of Troy era(and Minoan era).  During this time, the Egyptians were at the height of their civilization.  Karnak and I'm forgetting the name of some of their other great architecture of this time were put up.  There's these two hugh multi-story Pharonic sculptures with an entrance that lights up during the equinoxes(there's those equinoxes again!).  The Egyptians were in competition with the Hittites up around present day Turkey.  The sea peoples destroyed this entire world.  They created a dark ages.  During this dark ages, Homer wrote his books, and the Hebrews wrote their Torah(the first five books of the old testament).  The Phoenicians are generally credited with the invention of our alphabetical language system still in use today(by western culture).  Both the Greeks and the Hebrews picked up on this new language system.  This story has partly been told; and, this is leading into the next 'thought for the day' blog entry hopefully tomorrow!

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