Sunday, August 7, 2011

youtube for the day/ Myceneaean tomb/1200 B.C.

Here, we see a preciselly placed stone entrance into an arched tomb.  Whatever this structure represents, it has an arch architecture; something the later Greeks of Athens fame did not build with.  Why?  A dark ages happened from 1200 B.C. to like 600 B.C.(at least for the Greeks).

We may not know why the dark ages happened between the Mycenaeans and the Greeks; but, we can say that these 'dark ages' seem to happen. I think one can argue that some cultures are victims of various environmental disasters like global weather changes, tsunamis.  But, I think I've shown farely well that what happened with the Roman world and the Renaissance was  social shift from at least some rationality to an escape to irrationality; it's no accident that the Dark ages of the European medieval period was a christian one.

--------------------------------------- this 1200 B.C. Mycenaean tomb has been called many things; Treasury of Atreus or Tomb of Agamemnon.  Nobody knows what it really represents; the major point is what I say above.

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