Wednesday, June 26, 2013

mathematical video for the day/ from Poincare to Whittaker to Ford

For the longest time, Euclidean geometry was considered like the physics of the world.  Everyone knows Einstein's theories of Relativity changed all that; but, before then, there was much non-Euclidean geometries already developed.  Poincare's half-plane models two of those non-Euclidean geometries.  There's connections between Poincare's half-plane model and hyperbolic geometry as well.   Hyperbolic geometry turns out to be the more fundamental perspective in modern mathematics.  This includes trigonometry.  This perspective goes all the way to William Thurston's classification of three dimensional geometry and the Poincare conjecture proved recently.

On the number side, set theory replaced number as the fundamental mathematics in the 1800s.  Mathematically, mankind is still living in the 1800s.  I've seen many mathematicians who, when they say their into the history of mathematics as their hobby, they mean the history of 1800s mathematics.

----------------------------science news for the day

Being able to throw objects might be unique to the line of Bipedal primates that led to Homo Sapiens

Monkey, Apes certainly throw things, but are they comparatively good at it? Maybe not as good as Homo Erectus and maybe Australopithacines. The observation that humans and anatomically maybe Homo Erectus might be uniquely good at throwing objects for hunting is interesting.  But, I noted that throwing objects could have been used to fend off predators as well.

I wonder if Homo Erectus tried to throw objects at the sun and moon?  To try to see if they could reach them!

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