Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Gospel of Truth - Mathematics as the Holistic Viewpoint at Amazon

see relies section for content

1 comment:


    This is the ebook, where you can get a little bit of a preview. Honestly, it's not enough to see all the new content that any of my blog readers have seen of my Gospel of Truth.

    My Gospel of Truth is way polished up, and lots of new content, and placed appropriately where they connect up with ideas.

    I'll wait a few weeks to lower the price for the paperback. I raised it just to be spiteful quite honestly. I'm waiting for author copies to come in, in a week or two. And then, I'll go ahead and lower the price to Amazon's minimum. They have their set price.

    But, you can view it on amazon for free as an ebook; and that's the link I give here. If you get on their ebook program, you can read it for free!
