Sunday, April 2, 2023
Blade Runner, Kent Hovind/Ken Ham/Creationists, people like them and Fear and Evasive Logic/Language I've been finding lots of stuff about fear and evasive language, and I've found another one; i'll post the links to previous posts about this in the replies section. Here, I found Blade Runner; where Leon, one of the escaped robots is going through a Turing test(they call it Voight Kamff in the movie). the A.I. scientists is testing Leon by asking him simple questions, and Leon is responding with "what do you mean" to everything. I find this analogous to what I've seen of Religious believers when confronted with contradictions, scientific theory of evolution. They are always "what do you mean I come from an Ape." or they say "I don't understand." Kent Hovind would say "were you there" to Big Bang Cosmology theory which is another form of "what do you mean?" He once had like two thousand videos; but, his channel was taken down. I'm actually disappointed because he's laying down a record of this fear and evasive language behavior. Yea, he's done some more channels. But, I'm not going to post here. These Bible believers spring up all the time, from the beginning of time. I found this article from Percy Bridgeman - A New Vision of Science" from back to 1929. I was looking to confirm a quote which I did not find(a few years after looking up this article, I found the quote in another book he wrote). I had to pay like thirty dollars because the Libraries couldn't track it down! Anyways, it's mostly about Quantum Mechanics, but then he notes that there will always be charlatans who will poke around the cracks of a theory . . . Well, he explains Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, and at the end he says, "This imagined beyond, which the scientist has proved he cannot penetrate, will become the playground of the imagination of every mystic and dreamer. The existence of such a domain will be made the basis of an orgy of rationalizing. It will be made the substance of the soul; the spirits of the dead will populate it; God will lurk in its shadows; the principle of vital processes will have its seat here;" Consider the Biblical books of Job and Ecclesiastes which say learning nature is futile, so give up and believe in our idea of god. This article was written back in 1929, and here we have Ken Ham/Kent Hovind's repeating the same arguments they came up back in the 1800s to sweep aay the Geologic findings and Charles Darwin's "Natural Selection."
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Well, I thought I found a way to overcome this blogger turning everything into one big paragraph. I basically pressed the space bar for two lines between each paragraph . . . and this blogger turned it all into on big paragraph again!