Sunday, June 2, 2019

astro picture for the day/ flat-earth/Greek Elements view versus seeing beyond the senses mathematical conceptions - and Quote for the day!

Image Credit: NASAESAHubbleESO, Amateur Data; Processing & Copyright: Robert Gendler & Roberto Colombari

"To discover something in mathematics is to overcome an inhibition and a tradition. You cannot move forward if you are not subversive." - Laurent Schwartz

Lots of god and jesus believers like to say "God/Jesus is truth." But, God/Jesus, just like magic in Jacob Bronowski's "Ascent of Man" - episode 1,  doesn't explain anything. 

Saying "God/Jesus is truth" can't solve any mathematical equation.  "God/Jesus is truth" is as quiet statement as idol statues meant to represent the god of something - of the river, of some animal.  It's an empty do nothing concept. I'll quote some recent discussion I had on facebook,

Some more about Greek mythology before I forget. The statues, or idols, represent some "Platonic Elements" like understanding of nature. This might still not seem interesting, until Sir James Frazer points out in his "The Golden Bough" how people tried to either eat, or wear some aspect of nature; and, by doing so, take on that part of nature's behavior. King of like some Tribal chief wearing a Bear's skull, or feathers, and lots of stuff like that. Making statues of their gods accomplishes the same affect.

 I like to point out "is a" in Symbolic Logic. Suzanne K. Langer, in her "Introduction to Symbolic Logic" points out many different meanings for "Is" that are hidden. She's saying people use the same word for many different concepts.

1 "The Rose is Red" - 2 Rome is greater than athens" - 3 Barbarosa is Frederick I" - 4 Barbarosa is a legendary hero" - 5 "To sleep is to dream" - and 6 "God is" . . . 1 ascribes a property to a term - 2 is about using is as an auxiliary value of asserting a dyadic relation - 3 expresses identity - 4 indicates membership in a class - 5 entailment (sleeping entails dreaming) - 6 existence

The point I'm making is that the "god is truth" idea is like how people use "is" in so many ways that they're not even aware of. It's once again, "Platonic Elements' and, really, flat-earth. Mathematics and mathematical science is about overcoming the flat-earth perspective. This defines mathematics as genius. Genius is overcoming flat-earth conceptions.

As the Laurent Schwartz quote above says, "To discover something in mathematics is to overcome an inhibition and a tradition. You cannot move forward if you are not subversive." 

People are conditioned.  They have an accent, some behaviors.  These are minor and make life fun.  But, people are conditioned to believe things.  The things they believe are social conditionings. Kind of like what our immediate perspective tells us - the Earth is flat.  People have a lot of flat-earth concepts of the world, of themselves, and of people.  We either use reason to overcome conditions, or we just use various flat-earth concepts we are conditioned to believe from birth.

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