Image Credit & Copyright: Eric Coles and Mel Helm - IC 405: The Flaming Star Nebula
I wish I could find this one video about Creationism and Evolution; it was done by a former christian believer.
I addressed a little bit before that I felt like I was doing something different than the whole creationism/evolution debate; and I still say that what I'm more interested here is knowledge, the nature or and evolution of it. But, as I made connections between Jacob Bronowski's ideas of knowledge(and proving it), and James Burke's Connections . . . well, here's a remarkable Biological connections!
Either in this blog, or the previous version of this blog(which I deleted), I had mentioned a remarkable connections noted by Stephen Jay Gould in his "Wonderful Life" The Pikaia,
This is one of the Cambrian explosion animal fossils. Well, Paleontologists debate on whether this was the first vertibrate, and hence that is is the ancestor of all backbone creatures.
The Cambrian explosion is when a lot of different Phylum, or body plans were tried out. And out of all these body plans, Pikaia survived to become all the species with a backbone.
- The PalioWold episode above shows another Biological connections - Dimetrodon as the beginning of Synapsids - or mammals.