ESO's latest video documentary about Astronomy and Telescopes.
I can't help noting the social science lesson exploring ideas about Hans Lippershey and Galileo. Hans Lippershey discovered magnification by lenses. But, he didn't think of applying it to Astronomical research. Galileo saw it.
Hans Lippershey is living up in Germany, and Galileo hears about this all the way down in Venice, Italy, sees what Hans Lippershey genius didn't(he at least innovated and saw that he could magnify images by a combination of lenses).
This historical lesson of science of thinking or not thinking of something is a big clue to Human psychology. People are always living under un-questioned assumptions and over/under generalisations, and not seeing what's staring them right in their faces. It's a bit like the 2001 Ape scenes, where the Apes are starving and eating a few nuts and plants, and animals are walking around them with no fear.
I can't help noting Eric Drexler's "Engines of Creation." He doesn't need two or three hundred pages to explain his nanotechnology ideas. So, he fills it with arguing how to not abuse it, which is the correct thing. He points out evolution in like the second chapter, and then devotes a whole section of chapters at the end, where he points out science courts and hypertext publishing as ways of getting to the facts. Yes, despite some good chapters on addressing A.I., he doens't think of using A.I. to find the facts, and present people the logical flaws of their arguments.
And the same thing can be seen with Elon Musk and others arguing over AI. today. There's a lot of facial recognition and emotional A.I., and the only application they can think of is . . . for automobiles. They don't think of using emotional A.I. say in a court system, and how about finding racist cops. No, Rana El Kalaby and Rosalind Picsard never think of it, and then up-chuck when pointing these things out to them.