And someone recently unearthed this great video documentary on "Quantum Spookiness."
General/Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics brought up questions about the nature of science - causality and whether we can predict everything. Before then, Mathematics had raised questions about knowledge in the discovery of non-Euclidean geometries, and then abstract algebras, quaternions and so on. In 1931, Kurt Gödel published his inconsistency/incompleteness theorems. Jacob Bronowski's "Origins of Knowledge and Imagination" in my opinion perhaps, unifies and explains all these problems. See my Origins of and Nature of Mathematical Knowledge post, third post of this blog for an introduction to these ideas.
"This terror then and darkness of mind must be dispelled not by the rays of the sun and glittering shafts of light, but by the aspect and law of nature." - Lucretius
Lucretius lived in B.C. times . . . forty years before the supposed life of Jesus Christ, which I show in my "Gospel of Truth" is just a sungod, the one sungod to rule them all(kind of like in "Lord of the Rings", one ring to rule them all!); but, it's kind of interesting that Lucretius says darkness of mind should be dispelled by reason and not by poetic references to the sun.
Someone photographed the Andromeda galaxy as you'd see it . . . if you could see it with your naked eye. Which, most people can't make out the Andromeda galaxy quite like that. I can't. I've taken a eight inch reflector telescope to it, and all I can make out in the central coma.
"Since then reason is divine in comparison with man's whole nature, the life according to reason must be divine in comparison with usual human life." - Aristotle
"We have, over again, the fact that criticism of the mathematicians procedure, if it wishes to be relevant, must be based on thorough sympathy and understanding." - Phillip E.B. Jourdain
"In other words: It's possible that that there are dozens — hundreds, thousands even — of these convex pentagon shapes waiting to be discovered. Up until last month, only 14 had been found, and for all anyone knew, that list could have been final."
"But last month, a cluster of computers that Von Derau was using to run though different shapes spit out an intriguing possibility."
Image credit: Casey Mann
They spent two years searching for this with an algorithm they made.
Reverend Ray Hagins great speech on Serapis; he shows that the Council of Nicea was started for the most part to stop a Arius of Libya, here's a wiki on it, --> Arius of Libya
Lets be clear about the Hadrian quote that the Serapis Christ worshippers were called Christians; if there was a Jesus Christ, the Christians wouldn't be worshipping Serapis, but Jesus Christ! But, they are not. Why? Because Jesus Christ had not been made up yet.
Here's another speech from him, where he shows quotes from later Christian councils to the effect of "believe in us, or elese", and "don't dare change what we say or come up with anything else." - 09Oct2015 edit - Council of Chalcedon says, "since we have formulated these things with all possible accuracy and attention, the sacred and universal synod decrees that no one is permitted to produce, or even to write down or compose, any other creed or to think or teach otherwise" Recall Duet chapter 5, where they have their god saying, "believe in no other gods but me", "do not pattern gods after the sun, moon, stars, and nature". Well, any further is a little off topic for this post/thread. But, maybe I'll make another post, taking this in other directions.
Ray Higgin's find's a most remarkable passage of Christians converting Africans to Christianity! Edwin W. Smith, page 173(according to Ray Higgin's video above) "the Golden Stool", "To win a people for Christ, it is necessary to Europeanize them. Behind all systems of administration lies the fundamental question of "what we intend to make of the African." . . . further, "One possible and largely practiced policy is that of repression, which means "keeping the native African in a subjected and inferior position, as a mere serf(slave) of the dominant race." . . . and further(paraphrasing), the most effective tool to do this is the Christian religion.
So good to see a ray of light!
. . . and another Jesus Christ is a SunGod video,
This one also does a good job relating Essenes, Samaritans; B.C. communities to Christian Sects of A.D. and explains evidence of Christian fathers showing how the canonical gospels were derived from previous Gospels.
- found some more of the African awakening to Sungods!